Here are pictures a few pictures from concerts and other events by "The
Wanted Man" |
Emmanuel Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan
"Hello Huston, uh... Huston... Do We Have A

"Some Enchanted Evening... You will meet a stranger... but he
will be no stranger... Than I have ever been."

"Check, Check, Hey... I don't have checks... do you take
I've gotta admit... I really love sound Checks. Uh, Hey, can somebody
get the sound guy some oxygen?!?!?! |
From smooth country-ballad renditions like Grandma's Lamp
or the "Rock-a-Billy" style of I Wanna See Jesus, to the
New-Country crunch of A Wanted Man, Derek enjoys breaking out his
Guitar for a few songs every now and again. |
Piano is Derek's major instrument, and although his Kurzweil
Electronic Stage Piano has no strings, as he plays songs like Lord
Again or Independence Day, he will stir your heartstrings
with their soulful melody and lyrics.
He will also make your toes tap to I Want To Thank The Lord or
your hands clap to the Lord with Sing Ye Praise. |
When you're away from home, there's nothing like a sweet face to perk
you right up. Just to make sure I have one when I need it, I like to bring
along one of my favorites. This is my personal little "Roadie"
Elizabeth. (Notice the "Wanted Man" Logo golfshirt!)
Daddies Little Girl, alright. |
Derek at Yore Avenue Baptist Church, in
Benton Harbor, MI. |
Derek performs Independence Day at the
Second Annual Southern Gospel Music Convention. |
Oak Hill Baptist Church in Sonora, Kentucky
It is always so much easier for me to share from the heart
when I am at a piano or have a guitar strapped around my neck.
Music is the method God has blessed me with to communicate His love and
joy to any who will listen. |
When I do a concert, I have three goals.
- You should feel like you have been ministered to.
- You should feel like you have been entertained.
- You should feel like you have made a friend.
If these three things haven't occurred, I haven't fulfilled my mission. |
I really do enjoy what I do!
Being an evangelist and a musician, and sharing the Gospel, is the
greatest job in the world!
As you can see, it brings a smile to my face! |
The Wanted Man at "The Cove" |
As 4,741 spectators look on, I had the privilege of
singing our National Anthem at the South Bend Silver Hawks game on June
24th, 2002. To the right, the Cub Scout
troop from Stevensville, Michigan present colors. |
Harmony Baptist Church in Burton, MI |
I had a whole weekend with Harmony Baptist Church.
On the Saturday, I had Morning and Evening Seminars with the Youth of
Harmony Baptist Church. I started each session with a song of worship.
Here, I am leading the youth in "Sing Ye Praise." |
The morning session topic was "Exposing the
In the evening session we discussed "Accountability In The
Family." |
On Sunday morning, I was on hand for special music.
Then on Sunday evening, I did a full concert. |
Here's my recipe for a good time of worship:
Start out with lots of prayer, then add...
A little guitar...
a little keyboard...
some story telling...
and a whole lot of singing. |
I also shared God's Plan of Salvation and offered a time
for people to respond.
After the alter-call, I was called back for an encore, which was
rewarded with a standing ovation.
The people at Harmony Baptist Church were very gracious and kind. I
am looking forward to visiting them again. |
Here is a scene from just before the Sunday Evening
concert. The setup is complete and my road crew is taking another little
Supervising Daddy to make sure he is putting everything together correctly
must be hard work, 'cause she seems to take a lot of breaks.
She was going to sing a song during the concert, but she fell asleep
in the pew as soon as the auditorium lights went out. |
New Life Baptist Church in
St. Joseph, MI |
New Life Baptist Church greeted me with this
marquee when I pulled up to the church. The sanctuary was nearly at
capacity that Sunday Morning. |
The people were very responsive, and I had a
great time ministering there.
We are already planning an outdoor event with this church in the
fall. |
Niles Avenue Baptist Church
in St. Joseph, MI |
Niles Avenue Baptist Church had me do an
evening service on June 29th, 2003. This is the first church I attended
when I moved to Michigan some 16 years ago. It was great visiting with
old friends! |
They have a great love of the Lord at Niles
Avenue, and it is a testimony of that love, show through prayers for me
when my left hand was crushed, that I can even play music today. |
Here I am singing one of my most personal
songs, First Thing I Pray For, while Elizabeth looks on. |
Living Way Foursquare
Church in New Buffalo, MI |
My good buddy Gene Callahan invited me to
help do a praise and worship service at Living Way Foursquare Church
while the pastor was out of town.
I got to play a little bass guitar...
... and also keyboards with the praise band
they had assembled. It was truly a pleasure to visit with those folks. |
After the Praise and Worship time I did a
mini-set of some songs from my latest CD.
Everyone seemed to have a great time, and I even got invited back!
Can you imagine that?
Yore Avenue
Baptist Church in Benton Harbor, MI |
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And speaking of being invited
back, Yore Avenue General Baptist Church invited me back to do a full
concert with them. I even tried out a new song on them while I was
I think it's a keeper!
Elizabeth wanted us to wear the shirts we wore for the Album Photo
Shoot, so I temporarily ditched the "Man In Black" thing.
This will probably be the last time she will get to wear her shirt.
She is growing pretty fast.
Elizabeth joined me onstage for a
couple of numbers. She is beginning to be requested specifically when I
am asked to go places.
It took me 27 years to get invited places like this, she's done it in
It just ain't fair!
She really did win the hearts of the congregation, and the kids could
hardly wait to talk to her after the program.
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I did a couple of songs on the
keyboard and their house worship band joined in. They did a really great
job, but unfortunately they were in the other corner and didn't get in
the photo. |
I closed with Independence Day,
which is always a crowd favorite; but most importantly, it has a message
that spans centuries and offers a hope that spans eternity.
It is appropriate that the stained glass window in the back shines
out so bright during this song, because the cross really is the only way
to real independence.
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Baptist Church in Edwardsburg, MI |
I was invited back to visit with
my good friends at Ontwa Baptist Church for a Sunday Morning Program. I tried out a
couple of new songs on them, too Here I am at the beginning of the
Amazing Grace Medly,,,
And here I am at the end of the
Amazing Grace Medly!
Those of you who have seen me, you KNOW what I am talking about, and
those of you who haven't don't know what your missing! |
Bobby Lee got to go to hear his
Daddy for a change. He couldn't quite figure out why I was up front and
everybody as clapping.
Don't worry, Bobby Lee... lour time is coming.
Here I am doing the Southern
Gospel sounding When He Comes In The East. |
I did a couple of new songs on
the guitar.
The "Cowboy Gospel" song Jesus Is Calling and the
more mellow The Blood That Was Shed.
Both were well accepted.
Elizabeth made her appearance on
stage again. She is now a regular part of The Wanted Man Show! |
Here she is singing Jesus Loves
Me. |
And helping me with First
Thing I Pray For.
Being a Daddy is the greatest job in the world, and being able to
sing with your children and share the gospel is one of the greatest
opportunities I have ever had.
Thanks to Ontwa Baptist Church for letting us come over and sing for
you. |
More pictures will follow.
Please stay tuned for updates!