The Spiritual Reason for HumorDerek L. Cromwell, The Wanted Man Click on the links to the left to read some really great funny stories. Some of them I have had for years, and many of them have come from emails that visitors to The Wanted Man have sent me. I know that this is a ministry site, so "Why," some people may ask, "are you putting funny stories on your web site." The simple answer is, "TO MAKE YOUR LAUGH!" You see, I believe that laughter is a special gift from God that we must take (to be read, make) time for, otherwise this passage would not be recorded in scriptures. Ecclesiastes 3
I think that every one of us, if we are honest with ourselves, must admit that we go through hard times every now and again. I know I sure do. The Lord understands this, and I believe he gave us laughter to help us recover from those hard times. Now don't get me wrong... there is a time and a place that warrants sorrow and tears. They are important components in the healing process; but laughter is equally important. My Mammaw Jenkins was always so fond of saying, the tears of the saved here on earth are saved up in heaven and will be jewels in our crowns. Still, I would never have classified my Mammaw as a "cry baby." Yes, I have seen her cry tears of sorrow, pain, loss, and also joy; but she had a full belly laugh that actually came more from her toes than her belly! She was a woman of great humor, and this humor came in contrast to a very difficult life. But because of her faith, she knew that she had been set free from the bondage to sin, and from the punishment of sin. She knew her captivity was no more, and she eagerly awaited the day that He would call her home. And when you really think about the joy that will come on the day that you are called into the presence of our Lord and Savior, if at least a smile does not come to your face (for me it is a combination of a full hearty laugh combined with tears of joy) something is wrong. Psalm 126