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June 29, 2003

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April, May, and June 29, 2003 Volume 2, No. 4, 5, and 6
Newsletter of Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist
Edited by Deborah Dixon (Derek Cromwell filling in this month) 

Archived copies of previous newsletters can be found at: 

1. Letter From The Wanted Man
2. Bible Study Invitation
3. Upcoming Concert Dates
4. God's Plan of Salvation
5. Conclusion

1. Letter From The Wanted Man:

Howdee All,

Today is June 30th, and I am "behind-er" than I've been in a long time. I admit it... I'm dirt, scum, the lint that collects between your toes when you wear cheap socks that shed.

Debbie was out of town when I started preparing this, and so I am doing the newsletter again. For the last couple of months, I have been out of town most of the time so I missed those newsletters entirely.

I'm glad to be chatting with you again this month, and boy, do I have a lot of things to share with you.

Ok, where do I begin? Oh yeah!

My momma is doing better these days, and is still recuperating from her surgery in March. I played for the Oak Hill Baptist Church in Sonora, Kentucky on Mothers Day, May 11th, and had a great time. I was guest pianist there for the last couple of months while my mother recovered from her surgery. She joined me and we sang Vince Gills "Go Rest High" together.

Thanks to my good friend, Gordon Hurd of Simply Gospel (Aired Monday thru Friday 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm in South Bend, IN on WHME, 103.1 FM), on the 16th of May I did an evening of music at the Come & Dine restaurant in beautiful Wakarusa, Indiana. I follow that up with a Sunday morning concert on May 18th at the New Life Baptist Church at St. Joseph, Michigan.

On Saturday, May 24th, I was privileged to sing in down town Buchanan, MI for the Faith United Methodist Churches Memorial Day Weekend Sing. There I met Angie Black ( visit her web site at ) from Taylor, Michigan, and also Joyful Noise, from South Haven. We had a great night of praising the Lord in song.

On Sunday, June 8th, I was on stage at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Tennessee, for the Music City Christian Fellowship's "Sunday Mornin' Country" Gospel Sing! This is the Music City Christian Fellowship's annual wrap up the CMA's Fan Fair. I still can hardly believe it. The Opry... I've dreamed of this for as long as I can remember. I thought when I gave up country music that all hopes of that dream were gone.

Ain't God good!!!

On June 29th, I was honored to join my good friend Gene Callahan under the Big Tent in downtown Stevensville, MI for the Discover Stevensville festival. Gene invited me to sing during his 2 hour concert, and I had a blast!

Later that evening, Gene joined me at a concert I had scheduled at the Niles Avenue Baptist Church, in St. Joseph, MI, and we again had a wonderful evening of Worship and Praise with those fine folks!

Gene and I are teaming up with the New Life Baptist Church for an outdoor event to be held on September 6th. Details will be available in later issues of this newsletter, and on The Wanted Man website!

Our International release of First Thing I Pray For reached #23 worldwide on the God's Country Chart for February, #13 for March, #39 for April, and #69 for May; and it appeared at #76 worldwide on the Hilltopper Hot Country Singles Chart for February. We are still receiving emails telling us that it is being played all over the US and overseas. These charts are for world wide airplay.

Listen for it on your local Christian Radio Station, and if they are not playing it, please call them and request it by name. If they ask what label it is on, tell them it is on Glory Train.

To the DJ's who are playing it, Thank You! You are truly going to the uttermost parts of the earth, and I am grateful that you have let me go along with you.

To the fans who have been requesting First Thing I Pray For at their local station, have bought the CD, or both. Thank You! You inspire me to do my job better with each passing day; and let me tell you, sharing the Love of Christ in Song is the greatest job of all.

We have released "Independence Day" as a single in the US market for the Fourth of July Holiday. This time we are on the "For God and Country" compilation released by the Vision Quest Music Group. Listen for "Independence Day" on a station near you, and if you don't hear it, please call and request it.

As for the family, good stuff mostly there. As I mentioned earlier, my momma is healing nicely (although not quickly enough to suit her) from her surgery. Thank you for all the prayers that were lifted up for her.

Brenda and the kids are doing great. Elizabeth is doing the "little mommy" thing, and Bobby Lee is eating up all the attention he can get.

One prayer request this month. My uncle Dan has had a pretty severe bout with an immune system anomaly that nearly took his life over the last couple of months. He is recovering now, but will need extensive therapy in order to regain his strength. I ask your prayers for him, my aunt and cousins, and the doctors, as they work to restore his strength and health.

As always, thanks for allowing me to again visit with you through this newsletter, and thanks for forwarding it around. I hear from people often who have received this newsletter as a multi-generation forward. We pray that God will bless you, and many others, through this, and our many other, ministry efforts.

In HIS Service,

Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist
The Wanted Man
Phone: 260-248-9791

Derek Cromwell is a music evangelist with 20 years experience in the ministry and over 27 years in the music industry.

Originally from the hills of Kentucky, Derek resides in Buchanan Michigan with his wife Brenda, and their children Elizabeth and Bobby Lee.

Derek is the Staff Evangelist for the First Baptist Church at Berrien Springs, Michigan.

For booking Information, call 269-422-2029 or 260-248-9791, or by email at


2. Bible Study:

You can view the entire collection of online Bible Studies by visiting: 

There are several new studies posted in the last month, so we invite you to visit the site and make use of this valuable resource.


3. Upcoming Concert Dates:

Here are some of the places that The Wanted Man will be appearing in the coming couple of months. If you would like to have Derek come and sing at your church, call 260-248-9791 or 269-422-2029 to make arrangements.

June 28th, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
    Discover Stevensville Days
    Gospel Music Sing
    Appearing with Gene Callahan Downtown under the Big Tent

June 28th, 6:00pm
    Gospel Music Concert
    Niles Avenue Baptist Church
    1301 Niles Avenue, St. Joseph, MI

July 13th, 10:30am
    Chapel Hill United Methodist Church
    4033 Naomi Road, Sodus, MI

July 20th, 6:00pm
    Glendale Baptist Church
    32640 County Road 665, Paw Paw, MI

July 27th, 6:00pm
    Yore Avenue Baptist Church
    On Yore Avenue, 2 Miles south of Napier in Benton Harbor, Michigan

August 17th, 10:30am
    Ontwa Baptist Church
    69946 Elkhart Road, Edwardsburg, MI


4. God's Plan of Salvation

Did you know God has a plan for you?

The plan He has is called Salvation, and it is a free gift from the God of Creation to YOU through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ!

Why You Need Salvation!

Romans 3:23 tells us that; ". . .all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

And 1John 1:8 says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."

Do you believe in heaven and hell?

Matthew 25:31-34 and Matthew 25:41

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides [his] sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, `Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:' Then He will also say to those on the left hand, `Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:'"

Did you know there's only one way to heaven?

John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"

1Tim 2:5 "For [there] [is] one God and one Mediator between God and men, [the] Man Christ Jesus."

So, how can I be sure I will go to heaven?

John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

If you feel God is speaking to your heart right now, please pray this prayer

"Jesus, I believe You died on the Cross for me and that God raised You from the dead. I believe You took upon Yourself the punishment for my sins and my guilt. I know that You are the only Way to Heaven, and now I ask You to forgive me of every sin and come into my heart.

Jesus, I now make you LORD of my life...

I will love You, serve You, and obey You all the days of my life.

Thank You Jesus, for dying for me and giving me a new life in You.


If you have sincerely prayed this prayer for salvation in faith, believing that Jesus is the Living Son of GOD, the Bible promises that you now are a Child of God, and a joint heir with Jesus Christ.

Please locate a local church and speak to a Pastor. Also, please email The Wanted Man at and tell me of your salvation experience. I want to rejoice with you and pray for you as you begin your walk with Christ.


5. Conclusion

My Friends,

I thank you again for allowing me to visit with you this month. Debbie will (I hope) be bringing you next month's Newsletter, again. As you can see, things have been a bit chaotic around here (in a good way). Good things are happening, and God is continuing to bless this ministry.

We hope to be more timely about getting this newsletter out next month, but be patient.... God's still working on us, too!

See ya later!

In His Service,

Derek L. Cromwell
The Wanted Man


About This Newsletter:

The Wanted Man Newsletter is a monthly email publication, sent out on or about the 29th of each month, covering topics of interest surrounding the Music Evangelistic Ministry of Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, The Wanted Man. Subscription to this newsletter is free, and voluntary. Our only mission is to share with you the blessings that God has so richly blessed us with.

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Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Derek L. Cromwell, The Wanted Man