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September & October 29, 2003 Volume 2, No. 9 & 10
Newsletter of Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist
Edited by Deborah Dixon
Archived copies of previous newsletters can be found at:
1. Letter From The Wanted Man
2. Featured Bible Study: What Can I do to Please God? Have Faith in Him
3. Featured Story: Why go to church?
4. Interview: Lynn Fox of The Fox Brothers
5. God's Plan of Salvation
6. Conclusion
1. Letter From The Wanted Man:
Howdee All,
Today is October 31st, and I have been busier than usual.
On October 4th, I played at the MGMA Fall sing at Chapel in the Pines, in Hudsonville, MI.
On October 11th, Elizabeth and I performed with Gene Callahan at the Barbott's Corn Maze during their first annual Farm Safty Awareness Festival.
On October 7th, I went to Nashville for the first in a series of rehearsals for a series of Christmas Television Specials that I will be performing on.
Gene Callahan and I have been working together with other members of USAGEM in Nashville to put this program together with Jimmy Snow's Gospel Country Network.
I want to thank all of you who voted in for me in the Country Gospel Connection Awards.
I was up for the CGC New Male Vocalist of the Year Award, Songwriter of the Year, and The Wanted Man Website was nominated for the CGC Website of the Year Award. I am no longer in the running, but made it past the second round of voting. Just being nominated was an honor, and the fact that so many of you voted for me is truly a blessing. Thank you.
Thank you for the many prayers said for my family as they deal with different health concerns. please continue pray for my Dad. He had a mini-stroke after the last email, but had no
permanent damage. On October 22nd, he had surgery to clean out one of the arteries in his neck. He is at home now and is doing ok, but he seems to have picked up a cold during all of this.
Thank you for letting me again visit with you again this month, and also thanks for forwarding it around. I love hearing from people who have received this newsletter in a "forward" from one of you.
In HIS Service,
Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist
The Wanted Man
Phone: 269-422-2021 or 260-248-9791
Email: derek@thewantedman.com
WebSite: www.thewantedman.com
Derek Cromwell is a music evangelist with 21 years experience in the ministry and over 28 years in the music industry.
Originally from the hills of Kentucky, Derek resides in Buchanan Michigan with his wife Brenda, and their children Elizabeth and Bobby Lee.
Derek is the Staff Evangelist for the First Baptist Church at Berrien Springs, Michigan.
For booking Information, call 269-422-2029 or 260-248-9791, or by email at bookings@thewantedman.com.
2. Featured Bible Study:
What Can I do to Please God?
Have Faith in Him
Have you ever wondered what you could possibly do to please God? Remember - this is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God - the creator of the universe. He already has everything!! What could we possibly give Him or do for Him??? We cannot go to some "swanky" well-to-do, showy or stylish department store to buy Him something, or take Him "out to eat' at a restaurant. No, this requires something deeper and more meaningful.
You can read the entire Bible Study at:
http://www.thewantedman.com/BibleStudies/BibleStudy.asp?title=What Can I do to Please God?
You can view the entire collection of online Bible Studies by visiting:
There are several new studies posted each month, so we invite you to visit the site and make use of this valuable resource.
3. Featured Story: Why go to church?
A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of the newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."
This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:
I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
When you are DOWN to nothing.... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment!
You can read this Story at:
http://www.thewantedman.com/Stories/Story.asp?title=Why go to church?
You can view the entire collection of Inspirational Stories by visiting:
There are new stories posted each month, so we invite you to visit the site and enjoy this uplifting resource.
4. Interview: Lynn Fox, of the Fox Brothers
This months interview is with a member of The Fox Brothers, out of Franklin, Tennessee. The Fox Brothers are a Christian Country group that have won industry awards every year since 1989, and have had several Chart topping hits.
I met this dear brother on May 1st, 2003, when I was invited to a meeting of an organization in Nashville that was only in the conceptual stages of forming. That organization, now known as the United States Association of Gospel Entertainers and Musicians, Inc. is poised to be a groundbreaking organization in the Christian Entertainment Industry. I am happy to be serving as the Technology Advisor to the Board of Directors, on which our guest serves on as the Country Gospel representative, which means that while I am advising him on Technology Issues that pertain to the Entertainment Industry, he is representing my genre' in the organization.
Having attended my first Fox Brothers concert on July 21st, and knowing what I have learned of this gentleman over the last few months that I have known him, I can honestly say that I could imagine no one I would rather have represent the Country Gospel style of music that I love so much.
All that said, this interview is really not about AGEM, but about one of the many dedicated Christian Entertainers behind it. It is a pleasure this month to welcome Lynn Fox, of the Fox Brothers, to The Wanted Man, and to have him share this time with us.
And now, the interview:
The Wanted Man: Hello, Lynn. In way of introduction, please tell our readers a little about yourself.
Lynn Fox: Well, first of all let me say I'm honored that you asked me to do this interview and I'm also honored to serve with you on the newly formed USAGEM association.
To answer your question, I sing baritone (or the third harmony line) for The Fox Brothers. I also play keyboards, serve as emcee for the group, and the "straight man" as Roy does his comedy lines and routines. I've been singing since I was eight years old. My wife Beverly and I have one son, Trey, who has just turned sixteen. We live just south of Nashville, Tennessee in southwest Williamson County. We were raised in the same area where we live today. We're just country folks!
TWM: You know, as I was introducing you and discussing our positions in AGEM, I couldn't help think of the irony of having a guy from the hills of Kentucky advising a guy from the hills of Tennessee on Technology Issues! How do you suppose THAT happened?
LF: Well, my webmaster, Tony Rollo says I've been dragged... kicking and screaming into the twenty -first century. That's probably true. I just learned how to actually turn on a computer about a year ago. So all this technology and internet stuff is all pretty new to this ol' country boy!
TWM: Lynn, how did you come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
LF: I was saved when I was eleven years old during a revival service at a small country church during a revival service. I will never forget that!
TWM: What got you started in Gospel music?
LF: Our Mom and Dad loved gospel and country music. My Dad loved the quartet music and would go to the local concerts just to hear them sing. Every now and then, we'd all get in the car to go to the Nashville all-night-sings to see the different groups. I remember the happy Goodmans, the Oak Ridge Boys, Imperials, J.D. Sumner and the Stamps, Statesmen, etc., These groups really had an impact on me. I remember one night walking up to the auditorium and seeing all those buses out there running and thinking, this is what I want to do! I know, now, that this was what the Lord was preparing for me and my brothers to do. We started singing together when I was eight, Randy was six and Roy was four. We sang in our home church on Sunday evenings. It wasn't long until we were invited to sing in other area churches and events.
TWM: The Fox brothers have had so many awards over the years, and when I look at all you have done, I can't help but be amazed; but I know it hasn't been all roses, because this is a hard business to be in, and it is awfully easy to be discouraged. Was there turning point for you that made you know that this would be your life's work, and that success was out there somewhere for you and your brothers?
LF: Well, we sang together as a trio all during our school years and even through my college years. At that point we had to decide whether to keep singing locally or to broaden our base and expand.
Truthfully, it seemed that our option was either to go into the family business (lumber, sawmill and wood products) or music (our first love). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the lumber business is very hard labor. The music business seemed to all of us to be a much easier line of work.
Actually we didn't know what was out there for us. The first years of our full-time work was very hard. Although it seemed to be very disappointing at times, and it was very hard to make ends meet, we still knew that our music was what we were supposed to do. We also knew the doors that were opened and the ones that were closed shut. The Lord was actually leading and we tried to follow.
TWM: I was thrilled to see you and the rest of the Fox Brothers in Warsaw, IN on July 21st this year. I laughed so hard at you and Roy that I thought I had hurt myself. But all the comedy aside, he really is an extremely talented musician, as are you and the rest of the guys. Knowing what your program is like now, I couldn't help but try to picture you as little boys performing together. Can you take me back to the innocent days of your youth and tell me what that would have been like?
LF: We'll I started taking piano lessons when I was eight and I played for the group. Roy and Randy usually stood beside me while I played and we all sang together. Randy sang
a lot of the verses, and we would join him on the choruses. Our Mom and Dad were very supportive and took us around to the churches and events where we played, mostly on the weekends.
TWM: What finally led you guys to take the leap of faith and enter the studio for your first project?
LF: We actually did our first project when I was thirteen. I was scared to death. My mom really pushed us to record that album.. I'm glad we did, we were very proud of it!
TWM: I have three Fox Brothers CDs in my collection, and I know you had at least two projects before that. Do you have another project in the works that we should be on the lookout for?
LF: We're really hoping to get back in the studio soon. We're getting songs together to record now!
TWM: Where can folks find your CDs?
LF: The best place is to order is our website, www.foxbrothers.com at the FoxStore.
TWM: Let's see, Gospel Country TV, on stage at the Opry, Nascar Races, Florida Strawberry Festival, Live Concert Tours, Block Parties, Punxsutawney Groundhog Festival, Fan Fair... whew! That only scratches the surface of the all the places you have been; but over the years, do you have a favorite place that you have played?
LF: We love the Grand Ole Opry alot. We also love to play the Florida Strawberry Festival and FanFair in Nashville.. There are so many places we've played that we'd love to play again, I can't name them all!
TWM: Is there anyplace you haven't played that you would like to?
LF: Probably Carnagie Hall in New York....
TWM: What other kinds of ministry efforts have you been involved with over the years?
LF: We're all members of the Music City Christian Fellowship (MCCF) .....which is involved with putting more Christian events in Nashville and the Country Music Community......One of their major events is "Sunday Mornin' Country" , a church service for Fanfair goers. It involves many country music performers and Opry stars such as Connie Smith, Ricky Skaggs, Roy Clark, just to name a few.
TWM: If the Lord tarries, what do you see in store for The Fox Brothers?
LF: Wherever the Lord leads....I see more of what we're doing now....Lots of touring, a new recording project, hopefully more TV and radio......
TWM: Where can our readers find out where they can hear you perform?
LF: Our website.....www.foxbrothers.com
....also our talent agency, Century II keeps a list of dates on their website as well
....www.centuryii.com .....
TWM: In addition to a few hundred fans, this newsletter goes out to several local and regional artists, so I always ask this question. Do you have any words of advice, or encouragement, that you would offer to anyone interested in music ministry, but are unsure of themselves and their abilities?
LF: Sing and play everywhere you have the opportunity, (no matter the pay!) Always be available for press opportunities, no matter how big or small, and trust and follow the Lord. I had a very wise friend to tell me the other day....."if the door is slammed shut, and you have to knock and knock, its probably not a door you're supposed to go through. If its there, standing wide open, It might be right for you". So, go through the doors that open, you might be surprised! Everybody's career works different!
TWM: Lynn, I'm all questioned out, so now it's your turn... Are there any other comments that you would like to make?
LF: Thank you very much! Again I'm honored......Please keep The Fox Brothers in your prayers!
TWM: Thank you, my friend, both for granting this interview, and for your work in Gospel Music. I pray that God will continue to bless your ministry.
If you are interested in booking The Fox Brothers for a concert, you can contact Century II Promotions at (615) 385-5700 or on the internet at
http://www.centuryii.com. Also, be sure and visit The Fox Brothers website at
http://www.foxbrothers.com. You can order CD's, read more about each member of the group, sign up for their newsletter, and even enter an online discussion group.
Please pray for Lynn Fox, and The Fox Brothers, and the ministry that God has given them.
5. God's Plan of Salvation
Did you know God has a plan for you?
The plan He has is called Salvation, and it is a free gift from the God of Creation to YOU through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ!
Why You Need Salvation!
Romans 3:23 tells us that; ". . .all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
And 1John 1:8 says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
Do you believe in heaven and hell?
Matthew 25:31-34 and Matthew 25:41
"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides [his] sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, `Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:' Then He will also say to those on the left hand, `Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:'"
Did you know there's only one way to heaven?
John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
1Tim 2:5 "For [there] [is] one God and one Mediator between God and men, [the] Man Christ Jesus."
So, how can I be sure I will go to heaven?
John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
If you feel God is speaking to your heart right now, please pray this prayer
"Jesus, I believe You died on the Cross for me and that God raised You from the dead. I believe You took upon Yourself the punishment for my sins and my guilt. I know that You are the only Way to Heaven, and now I ask You to forgive me of every sin and come into my heart.
Jesus, I now make you LORD of my life...
I will love You, serve You, and obey You all the days of my life.
Thank You Jesus, for dying for me and giving me a new life in You.
If you have sincerely prayed this prayer for salvation in faith, believing that Jesus is the Living Son of GOD, the Bible promises that you now are a Child of God, and a joint heir with Jesus Christ.
Please locate a local church and speak to a Pastor. Also, please email The Wanted Man at
testimony@thewantedman.com and tell me of your salvation experience. I want to rejoice with you and pray for you as you begin your walk with Christ.
6. Conclusion
My Friends,
Thanks for letting me visit with you this month. I have some free dates arond the holidays, so if you would like to book me to come to your church, let me know.
Gotta run, making the trip to Nashville tonight to tape the Christmas Special's with all my friends.
Until next month, y'all take care, and may God Bless!
In His Service,
Derek L. Cromwell
The Wanted Man
About This Newsletter:
The Wanted Man Newsletter is a monthly email publication, sent out on or about the 29th of each month, covering topics of interest surrounding the Music Evangelistic Ministry of Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, The Wanted Man. Subscription to this newsletter is free, and voluntary. Our only mission is to share with you the blessings that God has so richly blessed us with.
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