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May 29, 2002

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May 29, 2002 Volume 1 No. 3
Newsletter of Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist 
Edited by Deborah Dixon
Archived copies of previous newsletters can be found at: 

Table Of Contents: 

1. Letter From The Wanted Man 
2. Concert Schedule 
3. Featured Story 
4. Featured Bible Study 
5. God's Plan of Salvation 
6. Conclusion 

1. Letter From The Wanted Man 

Howdee All, 

I want to personally thank you for sharing my newsletter with your friends and family. Every month the list of subscribers keeps growing, and I haven't really had time to promote it myself. I keep hearing from many of you who have subscribed after it was forwarded to you from someone else. However you found out about it, I'm glad your with us, and I appreciate being allowed to visit you like this. 

For the many of you who have wanted a way to hear some of my music, I have added a "Discography" page on my website that has MP3's of the songs from my "The Dawn Will Come" Album. You can visit the page at 

The concert at Wildwood Baptist Church in Buchanan, Michigan, went well. I was pastor there a few years back, and it was nice to go back there and visit with old friends. I don't really have room to list everyone there I want to thank, so please forgive my brevity... but, Thanks, everyone at Wildwood! 

I also had a terrific time at Harmony Baptist Church in Burton, Michigan. My thanks to Pastor Roger Luther and his wife Rita for their kind hospitality, and to Jeff Glover, the Youth Director, for all his help. The concert wrapped up with an invitation and people coming to the altar for prayer, after which I was called back to the stage for a command encore which was rewarded with a standing ovation. 

On a personal note, this month we have received some very saddening news. My grandmother has been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of terminal cancer with tumors throughout her body and also in her brain. Please understand that our sadness is not for her, however. She knows and loves the Lord, and is fully prepared to go. Our sadness is our own selfishness in not wanting to see her leave this world. 

Each one of us is having to find ways to come to grips with this. She is truly an amazing woman. During her time at the hospital, she made it her business to minister to those who were caring for her through her testimony, and we are praying that her legacy may live on through the results of that witness in the lives she touched there in the same way that her legacy lives on in each of her children and grandchildren. She is at her earthly home now, and fully intends to stay there until called on to her heavenly home. "I'm going to take a trip, don't you know it?" is how she greets everyone who visits her. Then she tells them about how Jesus saved her soul when she was 12. Oh what a testimony of faith! 

I do ask that you keep our family in your prayers as I know you have been. I have the next few weeks off from the road schedule, so we will be traveling to Kentucky as often as possible to visit her before the Lord calls her home. 

Because of the extra time spent traveling to Kentucky this month, I let the time slip up on me and didn't get an interview for this month's newsletter. I apologize. Many of you have emailed me expressing your enjoyment of that feature. It will be back next time, Lord willing. 

I have been blessed this month to be in a very creatively fertile songwriting period. Over the last several weeks, I have written five new songs, and I have a couple more in the works. I have tried some of them out in the concerts this month, and people have been very receptive. I can hardly wait to get them on a project in the future. 

Right now, work on the project for this summer can be summed up with three words, "PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE." We are still working on financing this project, and it is very much a faith based project. Our expenses on this project will be about $7,000, so I ask that you pray for us that we will be able to pull the finances together to do this. 

All the proceeds from my concerts this year are going toward this project. If you would like for me to do a concert in your area, you or your church can contact my Booking Coordinator, Carlotta Shelton, at Also, cassette and CD sales of "The Dawn Will Come" are going to finance the next project, so if you would like copies of that project you can email me at Cassettes are $10 and CD's are $12, plus $2 for shipping and packaging. 

If you hear that I will be in your area, please come and see me! If we haven't met, please introduce yourself to me. I love meeting people who are subscribers to this newsletter, or have visited my website. Every so often when I'm out somewhere, someone will recognize me and ask me if I'm The Wanted Man. It doesn't bother me at all, but it does sometimes get a few sideways glances from people who are passing by that are not "in-the-know." <grin> 

My reply is usually something like, "Yes, I am... and I hope you are too!" And I mean it. 

Again, thanks for spreading the word about, and this newsletter; and thanks so much for your cards, letters, emails, and prayers as we follow the leading that God has placed on us with this ministry. We pray that God will bless you, and many others, through our ministry efforts. 

In HIS Service, 

Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist 
The Wanted Man 
Phone: 219-248-9791 

Derek Cromwell is a music evangelist with 18 years experience in the ministry and over 25 years in the music industry. 
Originally from the hills of Kentucky, Derek resides in Buchanan Michigan with his wife Brenda, and their daughter Elizabeth. 
Derek is the Staff Evangelist for the First Baptist Church at Berrien Springs, Michigan. 
For booking Information, call 616-422-2029 or 219-248-9791, or email at 

2. Concert Schedule 

With the different personal issues going on, the Wanted Man is taking a few weeks off and hopes to be back on the road again soon.

For more information, visit the Concert Dates page at 

3. Featured Story 

Do You Want a Donut?

This story gives a new meaning to the phrase: "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus."

Read the story here: 

Read other online Stories here: 

4. Featured Bible Study 

I Am Somebody (Chapter 2) (Week 2) 
He Leads Me to God 

The Bible calls Jesus Christ the High Priest, who, because He became a Man, is able to understand completely all of our personal sins and problems. No matter what your struggle or temptation is or how embarrassing it may be, Jesus had to face it, too, as a Man and when He died on the cross. Jesus has total identification with your problems. No matter what they are, He had to experience those temptations Himself, although He did not give in to sin. He wants to give you the same overcoming power to resist sin and be "more than a conqueror" (see Romans 8:37).] Spirit Filled Life Bible for Students, NKJV, Copyright ? 1995 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Read the rest of this Bible Study here: 
Read other online Bible Studies here: 

5. God's Plan of Salvation 

Did you know God has a plan for you? 
The plan He has is called Salvation, and it is a free gift from the God of Creation to YOU through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ! 

Why You Need Salvation! 
Romans 3:23 tells us that; ". . .all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 

And 1John 1:8 says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 

Do you believe in heaven and hell? 
Matthew 25:31-34 and Matthew 25:41 

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. "All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides [his] sheep from the goats. "And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. "Then the King will say to those on His right hand, `Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: "Then He will also say to those on the left hand, `Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:" 

Did you know there's only one way to heaven? 
John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'" 

1Tim 2:5 "For [there] [is] one God and one Mediator between God and men, [the] Man Christ Jesus." 

So, how can I be sure I will go to heaven? 
John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." 

If you feel God is speaking to your heart right now, please pray this prayer 

"Jesus, I believe You died on the Cross for me and that God raised You from the dead. I believe You took upon Yourself the punishment for my sins and my guilt. I know that You are the only Way to Heaven, and now I ask You to forgive me of every sin and come into my heart. 

Jesus, I now make you LORD of my life... 
I will love You, serve You, and obey You all the days of my life. 
Thank You Jesus, for dying for me and giving me a new life in You. 


If you have sincerely prayed this prayer for salvation in faith, believing that Jesus is the Living Son of GOD, the Bible promises that you now are a Child of God, and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. 
Please locate a local church and speak to a Pastor. Also, please email The Wanted Man at and tell me of your salvation experience. I want to rejoice with you and pray for you as you begin your walk with Christ. 

6. Conclusion 

As with all new adventures, we are still working on getting everything together. As we continue to work through our time schedules, planning sessions and web server problems we ask for your continued prayers for God's guidance to bring you a newsletter filled with His wonderful blessings.

If you have any questions or suggestions of items that you may wish to see, we would love to hear from you. Please email me at

As a final parting note, we would like to share some happy news: Derek and Brenda will be expecting their second child in late January. We are very excited for them and pray for God's continued grace during the next several months.

In Christ's Name
Debbie Dixon

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Copyright (c)2002, The Wanted Man 

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Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Derek L. Cromwell, The Wanted Man