| THE WANTED MAN NEWSLETTER March 29, 2002 Volume 1 No. 1 Newsletter of Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist *********************************************************** We've taken the liberty of sending this to you because either you, or someone you know, has given your address to me over the last few months. If you have received this message in error, or consider it an intrusion of your privacy, I personally apologize. As a friend, or a friend of a friend, I wanted to inform you of the ministry efforts and activities my volunteer staff and I are involved in. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter in the future, send an email to Newsletter-Remove@thewantedman.com. We honor all remove requests. (See details at the end of this email.) If you later wish to receive this newsletter, send an email to Newsletter-Add@thewantedman.com. I encourage you to forward this to friends and family, and I only request that you forward it in its entirety. If you have received this as a forward from a third party and wish to receive this newsletter yourself, send an email to Newsletter-Add@thewantedman.com. Do not write messages in Emails to Newsletter-Add@thewantedman.com and Newsletter-Remove@thewantedman.com. These addresses are processed automatically and are not read. If you wish to send us a message, email us at info@thewantedman.com. *********************************************************** Table Of Contents: 1. Letter From The Wanted Man 2. News from The Wanted Man a. Volunteer Personnel Added To The Wanted Man b. The Wanted Man Joins the Gospel Music Association 3. Concert Schedule 4. Featured Story 5. Featured Bible Study 6. Featured Interview: Derek Cromwell: Who Is This Wanted Man? 7. God's Plan of Salvation 8. Conclusion and Next Month Preview *********************************************************** 1. Letter From The Wanted Man Howdee All, It is appropriate that circumstances have dictated that the first edition of The Wanted Man Newsletter be released on Good Friday. This is the day in history where Jesus, wanted for "crimes against Roman authority" as the Pharisees put it, and for "Blasphemy" as the Sadducees accused. It is an honor to visit with you thru this newsletter, and I hope you will allow me to continue sending it to you. Allow me to take a moment to tell you that The Wanted Man Web Site is fully up and functioning. This is exciting because even with the functionality we now have, it is still a work in progress! You can check out the many features by clicking on the links below. The Homepage: www.thewantedman.com Bible Studies: http://www.thewantedman.com/BibleStudies/BibleStudies.asp Stories: http://www.thewantedman.com/Stories/Stories.asp Concert Dates: http://www.thewantedman.com/Playdates/PlayDates.asp Statement of Faith: http://www.thewantedman.com/beliefs.htm And even a page to help you find Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, if you have not already done so. http://www.thewantedman.com/god's_plan_for_you!.htm So stop on by and stay a spell, and book mark us so you can come on back and visit often. In HIS Service, Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist The Wanted Man *********************************************************** 2. News from The Wanted Man 2.a. Volunteer Personnel Added To The Wanted Man Well, things have gotten busy enough that I have had to "Do A Moses!" No, I didn't part the waters of Lake Michigan and lead a group of Pilgrims to Chicago. I mean in Exodus 18:13 - 23 when Jethro counseled Moses to GET SOME HELP!!! Well, help I have gotten, and from some great sources. 2.a.i. Debbie Dixon named as Editor of The Wanted Man Newsletter: The next Wanted Man Newsletter will be edited not by me, but by Debbie Dixon, a long time family friend and encourager. Debbie has been involved in many of the ministry efforts that my wife and I have participated in for the last 14 years. She and my wife also regularly do duets together, and share the responsibilities for backup song director at our church. 2.a.ii. Carlotta Shelton to be Booking Coordinator Carlotta Shelton, long time friend and wife of Pastor James Shelton, has agreed to take over responsibility of coordinating bookings for The Wanted Man. This will also include distribution of press kit materials and assisting in the use of promotional plan information to insure the event is a well attended success for your church or organization. 2.a.iii. Jennie Cromwell to be Bible Study Editor Jennie Cromwell, mother of Derek Cromwell, has agreed to become the Editor of the Bible Study effort of The Wanted Man. Jennie has several years of experience in ministering through Bible Study, and conducts regular Bible Studies for female inmates at the county correctional facility near her home, and also at the Crisis Pregnancy Center where she also serves as a volunteer caregiver. Having made evangelistic mission trips to both Russia and the Ukraine, as well as many home mission projects within the United States, she is a welcomed and much valued addition to the staff. 2.b. The Wanted Man Joins the Gospel Music Association On March 15th, Rev. Derek L. Cromwell was accepted into the Gospel Music Association as a Professional Recording Artist. The Gospel Music Association was founded in 1964 for the purpose of supporting, encouraging and promoting the development of all forms of gospel music. As an umbrella organization, the GMA provides an atmosphere in which artists, industry leaders, retail stores, radio stations, concert promoters and local churches can coordinate their efforts for the purpose of benefiting the industry as a whole, while remaining true to the purpose of communicating the gospel message. The Gospel Music Association is the sponsoring organization of The Gospel Music Hall of Fame, the Dove Awards, and The Academy of Gospel Music Arts. *********************************************************** 3. Concert Schedule Upcoming Appearances of The Wanted Man. Sunday, April 7, 2002 Morning Concert during Worship Service at Immanuel Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Service Begins at 10:45 AM Sunday, May 5, 2002 Morning Message and Evening Concert at Wildwood Baptist Church in Buchanan, Michigan. Morning Service Begins at 11:00 AM Evening Service Begins at 6:00 PM For more information on these events, visit the Concert Dates page at http://www.thewantedman.com/Playdates/PlayDates.asp *********************************************************** 4. Featured Story Each Month we will Feature an inspirational story in The Wanted Man Newsletter. Here we will give an introduction to the story, and a link to the complete story on our website. "The Oh Say Can You See Flag" On September 11th, 2001, our freedoms came under attack. Each of us will remember where we were and what we were doing when the attacks came, but there is a memory I will hold that came not on that day, but rather on September 15th, four days after the attacks. Read the rest of the story here: http://www.thewantedman.com/Stories/Story.asp?title=The%20Oh%20Say%20Can%20You%20See%20Flag *********************************************************** 5. Featured Bible Study Each Month we will Feature a Bible Study in The Wanted Man Newsletter. We will give a Introduction to the study here, and a Link to find the complete study on our website. Did you know the God has created you as a special person, one so special that he was willing to lay down his life to restore you to himself? Psalm 139:14 – I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. Spirit Filled Life Bible, Copyright (c)1991 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Read the rest of the study here: http://www.thewantedman.com/BibleStudies/BibleStudy.asp?title=I%20Am%20Somebody%20(Chapter%201)(Week%201) *********************************************************** 6. Featured Interview: Who Is This Wanted Man? This Section will be reserved for an interview with someone involved in Christian Ministry that is an Inspiration to members of the staff of The Wanted Man. Interviews will be stored online as well so you can read past interviews whenever you have time. This month, being the Inaugural Issue, We include a brief biography of Derek Cromwell, The Wanted Man. GMA Recording Artist, Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, The Wanted Man, is an ordained Minister in the Southern Baptist Denomination. Born and bred in the hills of Kentucky to Melvin and Jennie Cromwell, he grew up in and around country music. With his brother Brian, he started a country music group called The Cromwell Boys and Excursion, and had a very devoted following for several years. During this time, Derek had the privilege of working with some of the finest talent that central Kentucky had to offer, but as promising as a possible future in country music may have been, the Lord had other things in mind for the young singer/songwriter. After graduating High school in 1981, Derek accepted Christ. In the Fall of 1981, he began attending the University of Louisville, in Louisville Kentucky. In less that a year, Derek had felt the Lords calling into the ministry. He soon transferred to Georgetown College, in Georgetown, Kentucky, to pursue a degree in Religion. In 1985, Derek accepted a position as Minister of Youth and Activities/Associate Pastor at the Spring Street Baptist Church, in Mount Sterling, Kentucky. It was while he was at that church that he recorded his first album project, The Dawn Will Come. He even enlisted the help of the Youth Group in the studio as backup voices on the song Sing Ye Praise. A young lady at Spring Street named Tina Johnson assisted in the background vocals and keyboards on the rest of the project, and went on to record a tape of her own entitled Give Me A Little More Time. It was during his time at Georgetown that Derek met the love of his life, and in 1987, he and Brenda Spears were married and he moved to Michigan. He began serving at the Niles Avenue Baptist Church as Youth Director and Music Minister. During this time he met the man he still considers his spiritual mentor, Dr. Roger Luther. In 1990, he was called to the Wildwood Baptist Church in Buchanan, Michigan, as Pastor. After the privilege of serving there for seven years, he left the pastorate in 1997 to follow the Lords leadership in Music Evangelism, and is currently serving as Staff Evangelist at the First Baptist Church at Berrien Springs, Michigan, along his long time friend, and fellow Kentuckian, Rev. Jim Shelton, who serves as Pastor there. In all, Derek Cromwell is a music evangelist with over 18 years experience in the ministry and over 25 years in the music industry. Derek still resides in Buchanan Michigan with his wife Brenda, and their daughter Elizabeth, and when ever possible, they join him when he is on the road. Derek writes, records, and performs Country Gospel music, and he promotes and practices evangelism wherever he goes. *********************************************************** 7. God's Plan of Salvation Did you know God has a plan for you? The plan He has is called Salvation, and it is a free gift from the God of Creation to YOU through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ! Why You Need Salvation! Romans 3:23 tells us that; ". . .all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And 1John 1:8 says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." Do you believe in heaven and hell? Matthew 25:31-34 and Matthew 25:41 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. "All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides [his] sheep from the goats. "And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. "Then the King will say to those on His right hand, `Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: "Then He will also say to those on the left hand, `Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:" Did you know there's only one way to heaven? John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'" 1Tim 2:5 "For [there] [is] one God and one Mediator between God and men, [the] Man Christ Jesus." So, how can I be sure I will go to heaven? John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." If you feel God is speaking to your heart right now, please pray this prayer "Jesus, I believe You died on the Cross for me and that God raised You from the dead. I believe You took upon Yourself the punishment for my sins and my guilt. I know that You are the only Way to Heaven, and now I ask You to forgive me of every sin and come into my heart. Jesus, I now make you LORD of my life... I will love You, serve You, and obey You all the days of my life. Thank You Jesus, for dying for me and giving me a new life in You. AMEN" If you have sincerely prayed this prayer for salvation in faith, believing that Jesus is the Living Son of GOD, the Bible promises that you now are a Child of God, and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. Please locate a local church and speak to a Pastor. Also, please email The Wanted Man at testimony@thewantedman.com and tell me of your salvation experience. I want to rejoice with you and pray for you as you begin your walk with Christ. *********************************************************** 8. Next Month Preview Friends, Well, that pretty much wraps up this first issue of The Wanted Man Newsletter. I hope you will stay with us as we forge into the future with this new ministry effort. I do ask you to pray for the work that I am involved in that the Lord would bless me with the strength to perform the ministry he had given me. As for a preview of next month... Well, with a new editor, your guess is as good as mine. I do look forward to reading it myself though, because I know it will be new and exciting. Pray for our new editor, and all of the new staff, that they would be inspired in their work, and bring Glory and Honor to the Lord through the work that they do. God Bless you, and thank you for letting me visit with you today! In HIS Service, Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist The Wanted Man Derek Cromwell is a music evangelist with 18 years experience in the ministry and over 25 years in the music industry. Originally from the hills of Kentucky, Derek resides in Buchanan Michigan with his wife Brenda, and their daughter Elizabeth. Derek is the Staff Evangelist for the First Baptist Church at Berrien Springs, Michigan. For booking Information, send an email to bookings@thewantedman.com *********************************************************** If you do not wish to receive this newsletter in the future, send an email to: Newsletter-Remove@thewantedman.com. If you later wish to receive the newsletter again, send an email to: Newsletter-Add@thewantedman.com. Do Not write messages in Emails to Newsletter-Add@thewantedman.com and Newsletter-Remove@thewantedman.com . These addresses are processed automatically and are not read. If you wish to send us a message, email us at info@thewantedman.com. Copyright 2002, The Wanted Man http://www.thewantedman.com