1. Letter From The Wanted Man ***** Howdee All, Today is April 1st, and I am behind schedule again. I’m glad to be chatting with you again this month. Things are up in the air as usual around The Wanted Man. Because of all the traveling I have been doing lately, I did not get Debbie the information to publish this newsletter like I should have, so I asked her if I could send it out this month again. It's pretty bad when your so busy you don't even have time to let other people help you, huh? Oh well, you know what they say about idle hands... I think I am safe for now. Our International release of First Thing I Pray For reached #23 worldwide on the God's Country Chart for February, and #76 worldwide on the Hilltopper Hot Country Singles Chart for February. We are still receiving emails telling us that it is being played all over the US and overseas. Listen for it on your local Christian Radio Station, and if they are not playing it, please call them and request it by name. If they ask what label it is on, tell them it is on Glory Train. To the DJ’s who are playing it, Thank You! You are truly going to the uttermost parts of the earth, and I am grateful that you have let me go along with you. To the fans who have been requesting First Thing I Pray For at their local station, have bought the CD, or both. Thank You! You inspire me to do my job better with each passing day; and let me tell you, sharing the Love of Christ in Song is the greatest job of all. As I have done for the last couple of months, I ask you to continue to pray for my Momma, as she is now recovering from surgery that was performed on March 26th. Also pray for the doctors, that God's hand would guide them in the follow-up care and that HIS healing grace will again be shown. Thanks for allowing me to again visit with you through this newsletter, and thanks for continuing to forward it around so much. I still hear from people who have received this newsletter as a fourth and fifth generation forward. We pray that God will bless you, and many others, through this, and our many other ministry efforts. In HIS Service,
Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, Music Evangelist Originally from the hills of Kentucky, Derek resides in Buchanan Michigan with his wife Brenda, and their daughter Elizabeth. Derek is the Staff Evangelist for the First Baptist Church at Berrien Springs, Michigan. For booking Information, call 269-422-2029 or 260-248-9791, Visit Our Online Store for Tapes and CDs, and Official Custom Embroidered Wanted Man Merchandise by FireCat’s! http://www.thewantedman.com/store/merchandise.htm ***** During the waning years of the depression in a small Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller's roadside stand for farm fresh produce as the season made it available. Food and money were still extremely scarce and bartering was used extensively. One day Mr. Miller was bagging some early potatoes for me. I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily apprising a basket of freshly picked green peas. To read the rest of this story, go to: http://www.thewantedman.com/Stories/Story.asp?title=Three%20Red%20Marbles Or view our other online stories by visiting: http://www.thewantedman.com/Stories/Stories.asp
***** Have you ever received an invitation to a celebration or some event and at the bottom of the invitation seen these words – "Please R.S.V.P"? I have no idea what the written out form is – even Webster’s New World Dictionary does not give the written out form (it is French) – but the definition is "please reply". There is something you must do to get on this list of persons attending such a celebration – reply (accept the invitation). To read the rest of this Bible Study, go to: http://www.thewantedman.com/BibleStudies/BibleStudy.asp?title=THE%20WEDDING%20FEAST%20-%20WHAT%20IS%20IT?%20and%20WHO%20CAN%20COME? Or view our other online Bible Studies by visiting: http://www.thewantedman.com/BibleStudies/BibleStudies.asp
***** On November 30, 2002, Howard "Happy" Goodman left his earthly home and joined the Heavenly Choir, leaving behind his family... most notably his wife Vestal, and a tremendous legacy of music ministry that spanned an incredible six decades. This month, via email, I received an open letter that Vestal Goodman has written to fans and well-wishers as she and her family have dealt with this profound loss. After reading through it myself, I am very happy to say that the Queen of Southern Gospel Music is NOT retiring. Instead of the normal interview, I am happy to publish this letter, in accordance to Vestal's wishes, in this month’s newsletter. She is truly an amazing person!!!!! -----
----- Please keep Vestal, and her entire family, in your prayers. You can visit the Happy Goodman Family Website by visiting: Or Vestal’s website by visiting: -TWM ***** By: Kimberly Cromwell The enormous success of today’s self-help market reflects the emotional and spiritual pulse of our nation: all around us are hurting, empty, and lost people in need of God’s love and healing power. If you have ever stepped foot in a secular self-help section of any bookstore, you know that these books are in great demand. Consumers flock to bookstores, browsing through vast aisles of bookshelves in search of relevant books to their particular need or needs. These books, which are based in humanistic motivation and philosophy, are deceiving; for a short time, they do seem to meet one’s emotional and spiritual needs, but in reality, such books do little more than pacify a hungry, crying heart. For the complete Family Matters Article, go to: For more on our Family Matters, visit: To contact the Family Ministry Unit, send an email to: familymatters@thewantedman.com
***** My Friends, I thank you again for allowing me to visit with you this month. I hope and pray that each of you will have a Happy and Blessed Easter. Debbie will (I hope) be bringing you next month's Newsletter, again. April will be our Anniversary Edition. We have a few surprises up our sleeves in the near future for this newsletter, so keep a close eye out for future issues. See ya later! In His Service, Derek L. Cromwell The Wanted Man ***** The Wanted Man Newsletter is a monthly email publication, sent out on or about the 29th of each month, covering topics of interest surrounding the Music Evangelistic Ministry of Rev. Derek L. Cromwell, The Wanted Man. Subscription to this newsletter is free, and voluntary. Our only mission is to share with you the blessings that God has so richly blessed us with. If you received this newsletter as a forward and would like to subscribe to
it yourself, send an email to: To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send an email to: Do not write messages to us at these addresses, as they are automatically processed and deleted. If you have any difficulties either subscribing of un-subscribing, send an
email to: Questions about the newsletter, content, and circulation can be emailed to: Please direct any general questions or comments about our ministry to: Visit our website at www.thewantedman.com |