The Wanted ManPress Kit Contents and Promotion Plan
Instruction for using the Press and Promotion Kit materials:(Click on the links to the left to download the Kit Materials) Six Weeks before event.Make copies of The Wanted Man “Biography” Insert
for use in the Church Bulletin. Make Initial Announcement about event from pulpit. Contact Newspaper and Radio Stations to have event
places on their Church Community Calendar. Supply Newspaper and Radio Station with The Wanted
Man Press Release (and photos for Newspaper) to be run 3 weeks before the event. Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Pray for the event that it will be well attended and
received. Five Weeks before event.Distribute The Wanted Man “Biography” Insert via
Church Bulletin. Make Second Announcement about event from pulpit. Make copies of The Wanted Man “Statement of
Faith” Insert for use in the Church Bulletin. Make copies of The Wanted Man “Wanted Posters” in
preparation for distribution at local businesses. Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Pray for the those who are lost who will attend the
event that they might find Christ through this ministry. Four Weeks before event.Distribute The Wanted Man “Statement of Faith”
Insert via Church Bulletin. Make Third Announcement about event from pulpit. Begin Distribution of The Wanted Man “Wanted
Posters” at local businesses. Contact other congregations in the area to invite
them to attend the event. Make copies of The Wanted Man “Who Is This Wanted
Man” Insert for use in the Church Bulletin. Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Pray that the Lord may touch each church member with
the name of a different person that is lost to invite to this event. Three Weeks before event.Distribute The Wanted Man “Who Is This Wanted
Man” Insert via Church Bulletin. Make Fourth Announcement about event from pulpit. Verify with the Newspapers and Radio Station the
publication of The Wanted Man Press Release. Continue Distribution of The Wanted Man “Wanted
Posters” at local businesses. Make copies of The Wanted Man “The ‘Oh Say Can
You See’ Flag” Insert for use in the Church Bulletin. Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Pray that the excuses that many people have given for
not being able to attend will be removed. Two Weeks before event.Distribute The Wanted Man “The ‘Oh Say Can You
See’ Flag” Insert via Church Bulletin. Make Fifth Announcement about event from pulpit. Continue Distribution of The Wanted Man “Wanted
Posters” at local businesses. Make copies of The Wanted Man “Personal Letter from
The Wanted Man” Insert for use in the Church Bulletin Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Pray for Derek Cromwell as he prepares for his visit
with your church, that the Lord would use him to reach others for Christ. One Week before event.Distribute The Wanted Man “Personal Letter from The
Wanted Man” Insert via Church Bulletin. Make Sixth Announcement about event from pulpit. Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Pray again for those who are lost that will attend
this event. Week of event.Verify that all of the arrangements are completed. Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Thank the Lord in advance for all He will do at this
event, and what He will do beyond this event. Pray that Satan would be bound, and that hearts may
be won from his control. Pray for Derek Cromwell’s safety as he travels to
be with your church. The Weeks after event.Follow up on those who made commitments to Christ at
this event. Follow up with the visitors who attended during this
event. Prayer Items: (In prayer meetings and on Church Wide
Prayer List) Pray that the Lord will take hold of your church and
use it to reach the lost in your area. Thank Him in advance for what He did at this event,
and what He has done since. Pray that those who are lost that attended this event would open their hearts to God’s Saving Grace. Pray for Derek Cromwell’s continuing ministry, as he takes the Gospel to other churches with his music.
Send mail to webmaster@thewantedman.com with
questions or comments about this web site.