Words and Music: Derek L. Cromwell
© Copyright 1985 by Derek L. Cromwell
Verse 1:
Being a Christian ain’t the
easiest thing,
But it sure beats loosing.
Playing with Satan is a loosing game,
You need to do some choosing.
Friend, the choice is yours.
Won’t you make up your mind.
Once you make Him your complete priority,
The Lord will put all those things behind.
Verse 2:
You died upin the cross, and I
thank you Lord,
But I’m not deserving.
You gave us, willingly, the free gift of life.
It’s You, I’ll keep serving.
Friend, the choice is yours.
Won’t you make up your mind.
Once you make Him your complete priority,
The Lord will put all those things behind.
Friend, the choice is yours.
Won’t you make up your mind.
Once you make Him your complete priority,
The Lord will put all those things behind.